Monday, May 13, 2013

South-Africa, Shame.

What if your life never plans out the way you want? Well, it almost always doesn’t. Planning ahead may be good, but life will always throw something your way. It will be something that tests you; it will make you or break you. Plan ahead as you please, but shit happens, and it usually happens a lot in South-Africa.

Pessimist or realist? Maybe a mix of both? But there is a reason for it. I’ve seen some terrible things in my life, been through a lot too, and let me tell you, no one cares. I think that’s the problem with the world today and more specifically South-Africa. We don’t care anymore. In Syria over 120 000 people have been killed. Over 15 thousand people are murdered every year in South-Africa. Little babies of only a few months gets raped and killed. People are always touched by the figures and horrific violence, I guess just not touched enough to do something about it. The world is very ill.

I think the reason for this is because of human rights. By giving humans more rights we are actually killing ourselves. Before there were a lot of human rights movements the government did what they wanted to with murderers, rapists and thieves. Giving the normal guy rights also gives the offender rights, and sometimes they even have more rights. We have the right to be safe? We have the right to live? We get murdered every day and the murderer will get a slap on the wrist and jail time. What jail time you ask? Probably 10 to 20 years. Since the government doesn’t take care of prisoners anymore like they used to, they are free to do anything to anyone as they please.

I’m disgusted in my country and disappointed in the world. There’s more than one “holocaust” going on today and nothing is being done.

Here’s a link to a blog that tells some of the untold stories in South-Africa.

1 comment:

  1. The saying goes: too much of anything is bad, right? It seems you will agree that too much planning is thus bad. I believe one should make the best of every moment, no matter how horrible or tragic. One should see it as a learning school where you develop and grow. It should not be seen as the destroyer of dreams, but creator of opportunities.

    Too much optimism or idealism, you say? I'd rather have too much light than too much darkness overwhelming me. It makes your heart lighter. And life more bearable. And the urge to help those in need greater.

    Instead of focusing on how things are, focus on how they ought to be. Happiness will evolve from inside. True story.


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